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#1: No icon Tell the TRUTH Author: Ares0Location: Widnes, England PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:16 am
1: Was 9/11 an inside JOB?
2: Why did the Mighty US and UK forces invade Iraq????

Please only honest answers no BS and defo NONE OF YOU PRE-MADONNA TEENS FROM US...

#2: No icon  Author: KuebelLocation: Niedersachsen, Germany PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:36 pm
1. Dunno, wasn't there.
2. Uh...Iraq had very little to do with 9/11, that was Afghanistan, but oil, probably.

Referring back to #2 myself btw, the UK and the US can't take all the credit for invading, I mean you're forgetting the contributions of Poland, Australia, and the rebels in iraq themselves, the Kurds and the INC.

edited by soulfly to add the second post

#3: No icon  Author: shadowLocation: Newcastle, England PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:31 pm
1. No it wasnt.
2. Oil, Hussain and to keep the countrys reputation's as peacyfull, helpfull countries that try and help poorer countrys (Iraq)

#4: No icon  Author: Freddy PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:15 pm
2)US invaded Iraq cause of Oil,and the US needed to blame someone for 9/11 BTW it's not only the UK and US invading Iraq,there are a whole lot of other countries too.

#5: No icon  Author: NighthawkLocation: Somewhere in Cyberspace, but always on the Battlefield. PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:22 pm
1. don't know
2. if you remember the first gulf war you will know it started by iraq invading kuwait, kuwait is another oil rich country which US and UK have companies in....the second invasion of iraq was blamed on saddam hussain having WMD, but that was probably just an excuse for george w bush to finish off what his father failed to do in the first gulf war (kill or capture saddam hussain and put an end to his horrible rule of iraq).

#6: No icon  Author: Saspi PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:26 pm
1.- Yes, but not intended by any means.
2.- To get Osama, Al Qaeda and Saddam, all resumed for national security matters. The oil was a plus, but i think that when people say that usa went because of oil they dont mean that literally they made a war to extract Iraqi oil, but because of the political hit it would cause to the OPEC which includes Iran.

Why this random question anyway?

#7: No icon  Author: NeanderthalerLocation: Netherlands PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:12 am

1. I do'nt think we will ever Find out.
2. Like the rest.

#8: No icon Re: Tell the TRUTH Author: SoulflyLocation: Edinburgh,Scotland PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:05 pm
— Ares0
1: Was 9/11 an inside JOB?
2: Why did the Mighty US and UK forces invade Iraq????

1.Realy dont know
2.Oil was the main reason,no matter whats said

Ares you have asked the question,lets see your answers to 1 and 2,even though i think i know what you will say.

#9: No icon  Author: Imperator_Romulus PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:46 am
1. Yeah, the janitor did it to get back at someone for eating his bag lunch. Thats more likely then the US gov highjacking planes and tring to destroy their own Pentagon and World Trade Center.
2. George W. Bush, Tony Blair

#10: No icon  Author: Ares0Location: Widnes, England PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:48 pm
1. I'd like to think 9/11 wasn't an inside job, but I believe it's quite likely that if Federal Officials Did Not participate in the attacks on the World Trade Centre and The Pentagon they may have known they were going to happen but did very little to stop them as they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East.

2. Obviously very poor intelligence regarding Invisible WMD's, even though Iraq had ended its NBC programme in 1991. Of course it was all about the oil, Shell and Exxon have probably pumped enough gas/oil out of the country to pay for the war many times over. Not to mention the huge defence contracts that came with the war.

I know these were random questions, and my answers are just my opinion but i read that coalition forces may well be in Iraq beyond 2020 and Tony B-liar just released a book "The Journey" in which he writes about Iraq, Afghanistan and 9/11. -> Tavern

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